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evaluate Northern Nights Toastmasters 6 years 3 months ago #71720

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00003808 is Northern Nights TMs and our website is a bit outdated. Could you take a look and give us some feedback? I am not a web master by any stretch but am a quick study.

There are some things that I am especially interested in doing:
- Multiple tabs on the HomePage
- Could one of those tabs hold links to various documents of cloud storage like One Drive or Google Docs?
Eddie Herman
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District 22 Webmaster d22.toastmastersclubs.org/
A Taste of Success VP Ed tasteofsuccess.toastmastersclubs.org/
Northern Nights VP PR / Club Coach northernnights.toastmastersclubs.org/
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evaluate Northern Nights Toastmasters 6 years 3 months ago #71787

  • Networket
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Your website is 3808.toastmastersclubs.org/ you don't need the zeros at the beginning.

Here the things I think your website could improve:
- the pictures on the homepage are nice, some of the images aren't good quality, see if you can get a good quality image and use it (also are those people active members in your club?)
- meeting info / directions page -> I don't think you need to put the cost to be a member on that page, maybe have a separate page related to membership
- meet our members page -> try to have more members make their profile public so that it isn't just the executive team (and one member)
- calendar -> the time says your meeting is at 12am, but your meeting info page says your meeting time is at 7pm
- public downloads -> try to have some more downloads publicly available, such as newsletter
- change the social media facebook link to www.facebook.com/groups/1993220137621569/
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evaluate Northern Nights Toastmasters 6 years 3 months ago #71790

  • LindaMann
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Your website is 3808.toastmastersclubs.org/ you don't need the zeros at the beginning.

Here the things I think your website could improve:
- the pictures on the homepage are nice, some of the images aren't good quality, see if you can get a good quality image and use it (also are those people active members in your club?) - I agree with this statement.... I would also add more content to the home page. Such as when and where you meet, so that it is front and center. Never expect a visitor to go to another page.
- meeting info / directions page -> I don't think you need to put the cost to be a member on that page, maybe have a separate page related to membership.... I sort of agree with this statement... You can have another page that states it and you can also have it here. You can also have another page where people can pay to be a member using PayPal
- meet our members page -> try to have more members make their profile public so that it isn't just the executive team (and one member)... As far as this... You do need the approval of every member to make them public
- calendar -> the time says your meeting is at 12am, but your meeting info page says your meeting time is at 7pm - You can hide your calendar page and make another one in google. If the time is incorrect, it may be how it is set up in the admin section
- public downloads -> try to have some more downloads publicly available, such as newsletter
- change the social media facebook link to www.facebook.com/groups/1993220137621569/ - I would change the name of the Facebook page to be the name of your club

Linda Mann
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evaluate Northern Nights Toastmasters 6 years 3 months ago #71803

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Hey, romorock!!!

Sorry it took everyone so long to chime in with their evaluations; you really are important, but we're all volunteers, and sometimes get delayed.

Before commenting on your site, we should first give a shout out to Networket, who posted the first evaluation in this thread. While the rest of us are FreeToastHost Ambassadors, the mysterious Networket simply chose to help you "out of the blue," and chose to make his/her first post here an evaluation of your site. Whoever you are, Networket, I hereby declare you an All Around Nice Person, and welcome you to keep up the good work.

On to your site now... there are clubs who add multiple tabs, as you'd mentioned. It's certainly possible to link to something outside of FreeToastHost, and it can help expand your club's total web presence. I'd suggest that anytime you link to something outside of FTH, that you configure the link to open in a new tab on the user's web browser. That way, if they close that tab, there's still a tab open to your club's site on their browser.

I also like the picture on your homepage. Realize that whenever a member joins or leaves your club, someone will have to fire-up an image editor, and make a new homepage photo. If you're fine with that, it's great; a potential visitor will get to see the people they'll be meeting if they visit. This may help them decide whether or not to make that visit. It probably makes them more comfortable.

That said, not all of these people are on your Meet Our Members page. (This has already been mentioned.) Try to encourage them to include a little blurb on themselves and make it public. If they're not sure what to say about themselves, they can always put down an enthusiastic endorsement of Toastmasters, and your club. If they don't like having their name and picture posted together on the internet, remind them they can post something other than their picture. (I've seen circuit boards, comic strip characters, stuffed animals, and photos of a cherished pet; Networket above uses a pic of a rubber duckie for this support site... creativity is fun!)

Very often, a site visitor who's considering a visit will go directly to the Meet Our Members page; I've seen it regularly through Google Analytics, and that MOM page is important in helping them decide to visit. Put as much good stuff in there as possible. If your homepage is a commercial for your club, MOM is a list of sincere endorsements; very important.

On your Meeting Info/Directions page... consider putting a picture of the building where you meet, as it's visible from the street. Bonus points for an additional picture of the entrance as visible from the parking lot, or whatever is practical.

You have a Facebook issue that you might consider looking into; I don't know what Facebook settings cause this, but it might be worth changing, if possible. For some reason, if the user isn't already signed onto Facebook, clicking on your web page's Facebook Icon won't open up your Facebook page for them. On most clubs, doing this brings up at least a partial Facebook screen, with an invitation to log in to Facebook. They can opt not to, and still see the Facebook page. Not so, with yours.

Since not everyone has a Facebook login (I am not making this up!) some will miss out, and others just won't bother. You might like to make it as easy as possible for them to see what's going on in your club, via Facebook. It's a wonderful marketing tool.

You say you're not a web master, but are a quick study. That's about As Good As It Gets. Check out other clubs' pages, for ideas to steal be inspired by. Learn how to add new pages to your website, and come up with useful information for your visitors. As you see what other clubs are up to, you'll get new ideas of your own. Expand your page a little at a time, and aim for long-term improvements.

Take care...

Wes B.
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evaluate Northern Nights Toastmasters 6 years 3 months ago #71946

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I think you have a very good start on your website. For me, a website is first a sales tool. I would want to entice people to feel welcome in being a guest at the meeting. Put that on the Home Page. In PUBLIC DOWNLOADS - consider an Online Guest packet here with a membership application, Welcome Letter from the President, etc. Add two custom pages - one for HOW TO JOIN that would include dues and a second for WHAT TO EXPECT to explain the basics of a meeting and reassure them that they don't have to speak if they don't want to. Also, I'd like to see more photos of members. Hope this give you a few ideas. Good luck!
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