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Recurring Error with Random Character Insertion into Text of Mass-Emails 3 years 3 months ago #86184

  • virtual.parliamentarians
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Here is the source code, which shows no exclamation point in the third bullet point, that appears randomly even when I remove the words "consecutive" to avoid it emailing "consecut! ve" or "meet! ngs" as shown in the attached emails sent to the President only as a test:
    <li><strong>RSVP</strong> for <a data-saferedirecturl="www.google.com/url?q=http://bit.ly/VPOO-...RkvPHZtItnL6RiJeVFqQ" href="/bit.ly/VPOO-Calendar" style="color:#1155cc" target="_blank">events (e.g., toastmasters46.org/online-officer-training-schedule/" target="_blank">officer trainingvpoo.toastmastersclubs.org/agenda-1617914.html" target="_blank">meeting on 12/1@8 pm ET via bit.ly/VP-Zoom" target="_blank">bit.ly/VP-Zoom) with a bit.ly/VP-Roles" target="_blank">role (e.g., Toastmaster of the Day) & invite guests via VPOO.Eventbrite.Com" target="_blank">VPOO.Eventbrite.Com.
    <li><strong>Watch</strong> recordings (<a href="bit.ly/VP-Videos" target="_blank">bit.ly/VP-Videos) using your gmail account (or www.wikihow.com/Use-YouTube-Without-a-Gmail-Account" target="_blank">non-gmail account with this guide).
    <li><strong>Comment</strong> on <a href="bit.ly/VP-Motions-12-1" target="_blank">motions for www.google.com/url?q=https://docs.google...tq8rRgy65OqcDEetsJpw" href="/bit.ly/VP-Minutes-11-3" style="color:#1155cc" target="_blank">minutes (11/3), prospective member (www.linkedin.com/in/adlai-jew-560287122/" target="_blank">AJ Jew & docs.google.com/document/d/1m1qGdC4oA5pq...6WE/edit?usp=sharing" target="_blank">Dorothy Blake-Simmons), & bit.ly/VP-Inactive-Member" target="_blank">definition of inactive members, who miss two club meetings in a row without emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (proposed amendment).

Here is the source code, which shows "&n! bsp;" after "regular" in the actual email when sent even though it doesn't appear in the preview:
<li><strong>Comment</strong> on <a href="bit.ly/VP-Motions-12-1" target="_blank">motions for www.google.com/url?q=https://docs.google...tq8rRgy65OqcDEetsJpw" href="/bit.ly/VP-Minutes-11-3" style="color:#1155cc" target="_blank">minutes (11/3), prospective member (www.linkedin.com/in/adlai-jew-560287122/" target="_blank">AJ Jew & docs.google.com/document/d/1m1qGdC4oA5pq...6WE/edit?usp=sharing" target="_blank">Dorothy Blake-Simmons), & bit.ly/VP-Inactive-Member" target="_blank">definition of inactive members, who miss two regular club meetings in a row without emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (proposed amendment).

I haven't tried every combination of words in the third bullet point to figure out the pattern of where these random html characters (e.g., exclamation, spacing) are inserted in the email sent that don't appear in the source code or preview.  Let me know what else would help you troubleshoot & resolve this error.

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Recurring Error with Random Character Insertion into Text of Mass-Emails 3 years 3 months ago #86185

  • SteveTheTechie
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So lets back up a bit...  Where was this email created?  (it very much matters)
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Recurring Error with Random Character Insertion into Text of Mass-Emails 3 years 3 months ago #86208

  • virtual.parliamentarians
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The email was created in FreeToastHost's web content management system for sending basic emails to prospects and guests.  When I shorten the sentence, the random characters, which usually appear amidst "Eastern Time" or "EST" disappear with the following source code:
<p>Hi {{firstname}},<br />
<br />
Want to <strong>level up your career</strong> as a full-time or part-time <a data-saferedirecturl="www.google.com/url?q=https://vpoo.toastm...C7Ux0r3nhCtKUD9tVXRA" href="/www.parliamentarians.org/rp-credential/" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">Registered Parliamentarian (www.google.com/url?q=https://www.simplyh...CUoIDKmGb6Z8R7Aijajg" href="/www.simplyhired.com/salaries-k-parliamentarian-jobs.html" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">salaries;) for growing as an ethical leader and advising board members?  If so, bring your holiday spirit for Snow & Tell on Wednesday (12/1) from 8 - 9:30pm ET to:

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Recurring Error with Random Character Insertion into Text of Mass-Emails 3 years 3 months ago #86211

  • SteveTheTechie
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If this was created in the website itself, then the html editor (ckEditor) is likely the culprit.   I do not produce or maintain the editor code... it is 3rd party.  I just set configuration settings for it.   I can see if there is an update to the editor available that addresses this issue, but I may not have a good solution for this.

If you create and send this email via your external webmail / email agent to your own officer email alias, I am guessing you do not see the issue... correct? (that makes a difference)
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Recurring Error with Random Character Insertion into Text of Mass-Emails 3 years 3 months ago #86215

  • virtual.parliamentarians
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Thanks for the helpful troubleshooting!  If you're asking whether I see the issue when I email using the same template to officers, which are selected via FreeToastHost's Membership Management module, we still see the error. 

I'm not sure how to send the email using the same template using an external mail client (e.g., Gmail) except to copy and paste the content.  However, emailing paste content or forwarding emails to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. seems to simply forward the same content as the original email.  
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Recurring Error with Random Character Insertion into Text of Mass-Emails 3 years 3 months ago #86222

  • SteveTheTechie
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I relooked at your messages and thought some more on this.

1.  The code you posted is unintelligible because you did not use the editor's code feature icon.   If you do not use the code feature when posting code, the editor misinterprets your post as part of the html of your message proper.   You *must* use the code feature when posting code if you actually want me (or anyone else) to be able to actually properly interpret your code.   Example (the first has been marked as code):


2.  If you are getting different results depending on the line length, then this may actually be a problem with long links which can get mangled by gmail.  I ran into this with the agenda emails when I upgraded them a few years ago.  I had to put carriage returns in the code to break up lines and keep them short.  The carriage returns characters are just seen as whitespace by html so they get ignored.

==> So are you seeing the exclamation marks in emails *received* in Gmail or are you seeing them prior to sending?   Look in source view for the editor prior to sending.  What happens when received by outlook or yahoo?
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