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Message to Web Admin: Server unable to create/renew HTTPS cert for custom domain 2 weeks 4 days ago #94658

  • 6345
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Update 3 Mar 2025, "Privacy error" message no longer appears, Website Admin message still showing however the following text has been added, indicating http certificate has been renewed:  "/var/www/html/templates/httpcertrenewed.txt". If FTH has done this renewal manually (as previous similar support requests suggest), thank you.
Request your assistance to respond to message to Website Administrator on Club website, ref below in bold text.
I have tried to follow the troubleshooting guidance provided in message however I was unable to resolve issue (see my responses below in blue text).
Using Google Chrome, Windows 7.

Your assistance would be appreciated.

Greg DeLore
VPPR Charlestown TM (Club 6345)  NSW  Australia

[2025-02-25 20:28:36 GMT, FreeToastHost System Warning]  *** IMPORTANT! ***NOTE:  The FreeToastHost server was unable to create / renew a HTTPS certificate for your custom domain:                 charlestowntoastmasters.org.au*** This means that you may not be able to access your website using https:// with your custom domain name after any existing certificates expire.  Possible causes may include:                a. Your custom domain's DNS records are set up incorrectly on your registrar's website.                b. You are using domain forwarding--it is *not* supported.                c. Your custom domain has expired. (If so, you must address this with your registrar.)                d. The custom domain listed in the admin console is no longer being used.                e. The FTH server was temporarily unable to connect with the free LetsEncrypt! service to create the certificate.                  (If so, this could be resolved automatically in a week.)*** Note that the system may remove your custom domain from the database to prevent further invalid attempts at cert renewals.You may also access your website via 6345.toastmastersclubs.org 1. You can check your custom domain's expiration date using:                who.is/whois/charlestowntoastmasters.org.au Response from Charlestown TM Administrator 27 Feb 25:  Unable to resolve or investigate issue due to the following:·         Tried above link and I connected to screen per screen shot (see Attachment 1)·         I am not sure as to how to interpret this screen or investigate further, other than I can see it says, “Status … Inactive” (see red font)·         Also message bottom left corner of screen, “WHOIS data currently unavailable” – I am unsure of context for me as a user 
2. You can view your current DNS records using:   www.digwebinterface.com/?hostnames=charl...&ns=auth&nameservers =Response from Charlestown TM Administrator 27 Feb 25:  Unable to resolve or investigate issue due to the following:·         Tried above link and I connected to screen per screen shot (see Attachment 2)·         This does not appear to advise anything to help solve (eg, cannot see “DNS record” or “existing certificates”)·         plus appears to be intended for advanced users (eg, “dig”, “fix” and “reset form”) and I do not wish to accidentally do a wrong thing to Club website_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3. You can try to troubleshoot your DNS records using:                www.dnsstuff.com/tools#dnsReport|type=do...ntoastmasters.org.au           Response from Charlestown TM Administrator 27 Feb 25:  Unable to resolve or investigate issue due to the following:·         Tried above link and I connected to screen per per screen shot (see Attachment 3)·         This does not appear to provide anything that a “layperson” (ie, not an informed system user) could use to help solve or investigate issue               Please contact the FreeToastHost support team at support.toastmastersclubs.org for more details and assistance.<end of message>

NEW INFO 1 Mar 2025:  "Privacy error" message received when trying to log on to Club website (advising security certificate has now expired). Refer below in bold plus screen shot Attachment 2."This server could not prove that it is charlestowntoastmasters.org.au; its security certificate expired in the last day. This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection. Your computer's clock is currently set to Saturday, 1 March 2025. Does that look right? If not, you should correct your system's clock and then refresh this page.Proceed to charlestowntoastmasters.org.au (unsafe)<end of new/2nd message>

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Message to Web Admin: Server unable to create/renew HTTPS cert for custom domain 1 week 2 days ago #94711

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