Contact forms

Written by Jane Atkinson on . Posted in Documentation

There are two forms for contacting the club directly from the website. The Contact form allows a member of the public to get in touch with the club, while the Mentoring form is for members only.

Contact form

Contact form redirects can be set by officer role OR by member name.

Setting club contacts for the "Contact Us" form


Enable/disable This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. email address. This is a publicly accessible email address and sometimes is the target of spam. If you're getting a lot of spam, you might want to turn this address off entirely.

Contact form greeting and closing settings

Contact form greeting and closing

This setting allows you to personalise the greeting and closing to suit your club.


Saving information entered in the form

If you enable this setting, the system stores the person's details in a group, which saves having to add them manually later on.

If the person leaving the message has not clicked the "opt in" box on the contact form, their details won't be recorded.

Saving contact info to a list


Creating a link to your form

At the top of the Contact Us Form setup tab, there is a NOTE: that shows you how to link directly to your Contact Us form from any other page.

Linking to Contact Us form

In the screenshot above, it shows "". If you go to the same place in your club website, you will see the real link that you should use, with your club alias replacing the xxxxx. Use this text in the URL field when you create the link on your page. 


Mentoring form

This setting selects the person to whom the email gets sent. This is usually the VP Ed, but may be another officer or a specific member if necessary.


Access to Assign Mentors tools

Click on the box (arrowed) and save if the person who is handling mentor/mentee requests doesn't otherwise have access to Membership Management.

Give access to mentor management area

This gives them access to the Assign Mentors tools only, not the whole Membership Management area.