Role reports and signup sheets

Written by Jane Atkinson on . Posted in Documentation

Accessing meeting reports

To access reports, click on the Report icon (circled).

Meeting report icon


Use the pull-down menu to select the type of report you wish to run.

Report type listing


Select the date range. The default is the current Toastmasters year. If you are the admin or an officer with agenda access, select the name (or "all").


Report settings


The View Report Basis popup shows you a summary of what will be included in the report. You can make adjustments to the start date if necessary before running the report. You may also request that your VPE reconcile agendas where possible.

"Reconciling" means that the online meeting agenda has been updated by the VPE, Toastmaster, or other person designated by your club after the meeting to reflect who actually performed each meeting role and that the online agenda was marked as reconciled.  Reconciling agendas is important to ensure that role reports are accurate.


View Report Basis summary

Clicking on the run/download button (see previous image) will create a file for downloading if it's a spreadsheet report, or it will create a new page in your browser which you can then print.


Who can access reports?

Admin and officers with agenda access rights can access everyone's role reports.

Individual members can access their own information and no one else's.


Printing signup sheets

This allows you to print a page with roles down the left-hand side and future meeting dates across the top.

To access it, click on the clipboard icon in the agenda button bar.


It will open a new page in your browser with the printing dialogue box open.

The next five meetings are shown.

Agenda signup sheet options

Members who have already signed up will have their names included on the sheet.

You can choose whether or not to include the "Not Attending" row by checking or unchecking the box.

The "Check/Un-check ALL" box allows you to include all upcoming meetings in the signup sheet.


In addition to the web page (html) version, you can also use Excel for your signup sheets.

Agenda signup format options

There are two versions of the Excel sheet. One uses a list down the left-hand side of the page; the other uses a grid.