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Name tag fields (again) 3 years 1 month ago #86718

  • NotLiable
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This goes back to my posting #63879 4-1/2 years ago (oldie but goodie?)  Diddling around again this evening with the name tag templates I was wondering why the FTH height and width numbers for the 74549 are 3.5"x2.25" and those for the 74652 are 3.5"x2.17", since both are advertised by Avery as being the same size.  I also noticed that the {{namesuffix}} field is still a combination of awards (for me it contains "PM1,DTM") rather than being what I thought to be properly a true name suffix, such as "Jr." or "M.D." or "Ph.D".  {{caward}} = "PM1" and {{laward}}="DTM" for me, which is arguably correct (and appreciated, as Pathways wasn't implemented here back when I first posted and I had to manually print legacy/PW combination awards in the tag template), but while the {{namesuffix}} field presents "DTM, PM1" with the proper separating space after the comma, the {{awards}} field omits the space and contains "DTM,PM1".
I would also suggest that the documentation page at support.toastmastersclubs.org/doc/item/creating-name-tags in step 8 be expanded to more fully and correctly explain just what is in each of the fields.
That is all.
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Name tag fields (again) 3 years 1 month ago #86720

  • SteveTheTechie
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Name suffix comes from whatever was entered in the name field.   There is some name parsing that goes on, but is not perfect and depends on what was put into the name field.

The name tag stuff came from a lot of experimentation, and in some regards is a compromise.   There is certainly room for improvement, but we never get to where it is "perfect".
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Name tag fields (again) 2 years 11 months ago #87173

  • NotLiable
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I'm going to add to this thread because further experimentation has led to further confusion.
Member Jo-Ann's name tag doesn't include her PW award, but mine does (see attached screen shots), and that is because my tag template uses the {{awards}} field value, to wit:

    Now print the member's information.  I chose firstname, lastname on the first line, awards on the second line, and officer role on the third.
  <CENTER STYLE="padding: 14pt 3pt; line-height: 160%; font-size: 16pt;"><SPAN STYLE="font-size: 20pt;"><B>{{firstname}} {{lastname}}</B></SPAN><BR>
  {{awards}}<BR></CENTER>                        <!-- Use this line for legacy/automatic printing of awards (comment out for PW awards) -->
  <DIV STYLE="padding: 2px; text-align: center; font-size: 16pt;">

I could argue that {{awards}} should put "legacy" awards prior to PW awards, so for me it would be "DTM, PM1" rather than "PM1,DTM" (and I don't like the missing separating space after the comma :<)), but that's not the biggest issue here.  I'll turn now to questions:
1) What is the {{laward}} field and how is its value determined?  Am I right to guess that the L in laward means legacy?  If so, why does not Jo-Ann's CTM appear there, rather than in caward?
2) Whast is the {{caward}} field and how is its value determined?  What does the C in caward mean?
3) Is the {{awards}} field meant to be a combination of {{laward}} and {{caward}}?

It looks like I could "solve" my tag printing issue by simply using the {{namesuffix}} field, which puts awards in the order I like (old then new with a comma ande space), but the "where do these other field values come from and how does one set them" question remains.  Inquiry minds--well, at least this one--want to know!

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