FAQs Index

Written by FreeToastHost on . Posted in Documentation

Have questions?  We have answers!  You can use this page to look up Frequently Asked Questions and where to find the answers.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Index

Setting Up Your Website (Also, review Quick Start Page.)

How do I get a FreeToastHost website?  Complete our request form here.

How do i correct our club website address and/or contact information on the Toastmasters International website?   Review the relevant doc.

Ok, I have a website, but I misplaced it--how do I find it?   Use your club/district number to access it, as explained in the Quick Start Page.


Logging In To Your Website

Why both a member and an admin login?   Because some clubs have admins that are not club members.

My website seems to keep logging me out and not remember my login.  How to fix?  You probably need to fix your cookie settings.  See here.

Ooops! I forgot my password/my password is not working?  How to fix?  See here.


Member Profile / Membership Management

How do I upload my member photo?


Browsing the site and logging in

If you are having trouble logging in or getting changes to "stick", try these first:

Cookie settings
Internet Explorer cookie settings (for V. 9, but similar in other versions)
Clearing the browser cache

Forgotten password

Member profile

Using the mailing lists

Email lists and aliases


Agenda members' view

Guide to the agenda buttons

Printing and emailing agendas

Role reports and signup sheets

For more about the agenda, please see this page.

Club calendar

Downloading files



Administrator docs

Officers may have admin access to some portions of the website. For example,the treasurer usually has access to the Dues management app. Talk to your administrator for details.

Quick-start page for basic settings


Accessing your new website

Try these first if you are having problems:

Cookie settings
Clearing the browser cache

Website settings

Basic settings

Website aliases
What's the difference between Aliases and Domain names?
Domain names and aliases: some practical considerations
     Configuring DNS Settings for a Custom Website Domain

Appearance (includes turning off unwanted content)

Home Page

Adding and editing content

Google ranking

Meeting Information / Directions

Google maps

Social media links

Floater messages

Access settings

Administrator info

Website statistics

Membership management

Importing membership list from TI

Members with shared (or no) email address

New member welcome email

Creating name tags for members

Activating Meet our Members page

Keeping the membership list up to date

Email & Contact Forms

Ensuring that members receive email

Custom pages

Adding and editing content

Google ranking

Links to other sites

Backup your custom content

Recovering content from Google cache

File manager

Linking to files

Meeting agendas – creating and editing

Dues management

Paypal email button



How to take & upload a screen capture

Email Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting Website Access Issues 


Using the webpage editor – online demo (CKEditor Users Guide)

Changing site administrators when the previous one is no longer available

Updating contact info on Toastmasters International website

End of year Officer Changeover Checklist for your FreeToastHost website

Getting help on the forums


If you think that there's something missing from the documentation, please let us know by posting in the "Documentation Feedback" forum.